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Huntley Meadows Park

3701 Lockheed Blvd.
Alexandria, Va. 22306

Trails open dawn to dark daily

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Goodbye Kevin

(continued from page 1)

I’m not sure it’s possible to leave the Park in better hands: current staff, volunteers, Friends of Huntley Meadows Park Board members, and of course you! As members of Friends, you are the community that has protected, shepherded and supported the Park now for 30 years, the majority of the Park’s 40 year history. Despite the excitement of moving to California, I am sad and sorry to be leaving such a dynamic, unique and regionally-significant place as Huntley Mead-ows, but not at all worried - as long as the Park has a strong and involved Friends group, its future is secure.

I’d like to briefly share some of the special aspects of this Park that make it so unique, and so worth caring for:

Biggest Challenges:

Some of the biggest upcoming challenges for the Park will be dealing with the projected population growth and result-ing transportation infrastructure expansion. Some predications call for Fairfax County to double in population over the next few decades. That could mean one million additional residents. The entire Route 1 corridor, Telegraph Road, and South Kings Highway are all slated for large-scale expansion, along with their accompanying side streets. The high density development of the Tysons Corner area will likely be the template used for most of South County during these expansions and re-zoning. This could bring some exciting and positive public transportation improvements, and excellent new schools, parks, entertainment and shopping opportunities. However, it will also put tremendous pressure on this 1,554 acre wooded parcel that serves as the major transportation blockage in southern Fairfax County. Proposals for new roads, bike commuter routes, parking lots and athletic fields to be added inside Huntley Meadows Park will come over the next few decades, as they already have in the Parks’ not so distant past. It will be up to the Park’s community, neighbors and Fairfax County voters to decide what additions to Huntley Meadows Park are needed. Please stay involved and informed, and do your best to make thoughtful, long-term choices.

Upcoming Projects:

What Role Does Friends of Huntley Meadows Park Play?
This is up to you! The Friends of Huntley Meadows Park Board of Di-rectors currently works closely with you, the members, to support the Park in just about every way possible: funding, advocacy, volunteer work in every capacity, education and outreach, partner and communi-ty building, on-line presence (website and Facebook), and much more. Serving as the voice of the Park and its extended community, acting as long-term stewards of these regionally-significant resources, and providing a stable support system for operations, programs and pro-jects are all ways that YOU have helped the Park grow and flourish over its 40 years. If the Park is lucky, Friends will still be here 40 years from now!

Kevin Munroe